Rice WIDE Lab Attend CHIMES Meeting at Penn State University!

Shisong, Zhaobo, and Prof. Yuji Zhao attended CHIMES review meeting at Penn State University!

CHIMES hosted its first annual review Sep 5-6 at Penn State University. We had a record participation of 160+ with highly charged conversations and discussions over several topics that included our center overview and vision, 4 industry presentations, 14 theme and task presentations, 46 student posters, and a unique broadening participation flipped panel titled “Ask the Students”. Networking was at its best during our student/industry networking session and gala reception/dinner.
The Center for Heterogeneous Integration of Micro Electronic Systems (CHIMES) is sponsored by the Semiconductor Research Corporation through the Joint University Microelectronics Program (JUMP 2.0).
Go CHIMES! www.chimes.psu.edu.